What is Zaidi Zanzibar?
Zaidi Zanzibar ist eine deutsch-tansanische private Volunteer-Organisation mit Sitz in Paje, Sansibar.
Wir helfen dir bei der gesamten Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Nachbereitung deines Volunteer-Abenteuers auf Sansibar, vermitteln dich an vielfältige Freiwilligenprojekte, stellen dir eine Unterkunft sowie Verpflegung zur Verfügung und sind jederzeit da für Fragen und Anliegen aller Art.
Bei Zaidi Zanzibar bekommst du die Möglichkeit dich als Volunteer in sinnvollen Projekten zu engagieren und gleichzeitig hautnah eine neue, spannende Kultur zu erleben. Dies geschieht in einem geschützten Rahmen mit deutsch- und englischsprachigen Ansprechpartnern vor Ort zu einem fairen Preis
"Zaidi" ist Suaheli und heißt "Mehr" - wir möchten dir zeigen, dass Sansibar so viel mehr zu bieten hat als die meisten Menschen vielleicht denken. Sie ist eine vielseitige, spannende Insel mit wunderschönen Flecken, aber auch Schwierigkeiten und Problemen. Als Freiwillige:r hast du die Chance diese Insel ganzheitlich zu erleben und intensive Erfahrungen für dein ganzes Leben zu sammeln.
Our team
“As you grow older, you will discover you have two hands — one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”
– Audrey Hepburn
Our philosophy
"Volunteering (also referred to as honorary engagement or volunteering) is a building block of civil society. It fulfills the noblest goals of mankind - the pursuit of peace, freedom, life chances, security and justice for all - with life." (Excerpt from the Universal Declaration on Volunteering)
We at Zaidi Zanzibar are also trying to make a small contribution - for a better world in which injustice and prejudice are disappearing.
But there are also critical voices about volunteering in Africa. Have you ever heard of the terms voluntourism or white saviorism? This is about the "accusation" of volunteer work being based on a racist and classicist worldview. White people would only do these to celebrate themselves as the saviors of the people of color and to feel good, rather than to actually help.
For us, the fact that volunteers "help themselves" through their experiences in Africa or find a benefit for themselves is not an argument against Volunteering in Africa. On the contrary: we aim for young people to immerse themselves in a foreign culture, learn, grow beyond themselves and then take all these experiences back to Europe and spread them. We feel it is necessary to be aware of this criticism and to constantly reflect on our own actions. But in our opinion - to paraphrase Audrey Hepburn - it is absolutely right and important to use one hand to help yourself and the other to take care of others.
And: We firmly believe that volunteering through direct contact and exchange can make a significant contribution to international understanding. Volunteering at Zaidi means making contact, exchanging ideas and learning from one another. Every day we try to judge as little as possible and instead simply perceive other ways of life as different. We don't see volunteer work as help "from above", but as an enriching encounter at eye level, where everyone can take "something" home with them.